E. Fredrick Preis, Jr. was an instructor at the Louisiana Bankers’ Association Annual Supervisory School, presenting a session on Employment Law on Wednesday, June 10 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. June 10, 2015
John B. King spoke on Regulatory Development and Public Hearings at the 35th Annual International Operating Conference & Trade Show for International Liquid Terminals Association (ILTA), in Houst June 1, 2015
E. Fredrick Preis, Jr. spoke on "Recognizing and Dealing with the Need for Leaves of Absence" at the Northeast Louisiana SHRM May Conference on May 15, 2015. May 15, 2015
Clay Countryman presented "HIPAA Compliance: Recent Changes to the HIPAA Rules and Enforcement Actions" to the Acadiana Vascular Center in Lafayette, LA. May 15, 2015
Saul Reinaldo Newsome presented "Legal Aspects of Doing Business Abroad - Free Trade Agreements and Custom Tariffs: What They Mean for Your Business, Part I; US Export Controls and Foreign Corrupt Pra May 14, 2015
E. Fredrick Preis, Jr. presented "Labor/Employment Update" at the 2015 Annual Conference for Leading Age Gulf States in New Orleans on May 13, 2015. May 13, 2015
Murphy J. Foster, III, Melissa M. Shirley, and Jerry "Jay" L. Stovall, Jr. spoke at Management Update on May 13, 2015 May 13, 2015
E. Fredrick Preis, Jr., Eve B. Masinter, Joseph R. Hugg, Rachael Jeanfreau, and Rachael M. Coe spoke at the "Management Update Briefing" in New Orleans on May 7, 2015. May 7, 2015
Steven B. Loeb presented "Handling Legal Issues in Engineering and Surveying Practice" at Legal Issues Louisiana Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors in Baton Rouge on May 6, 2015. May 6, 2015
Gregory D. Frost and Clay Countryman presented Basic Compliance Seminar at Louisiana Hospital Association Conference Center in Baton Rouge April 29, 2015