John B. King spoke at International Liquid Terminals Association's Annual Conference in Houston, Texas, June 2-3, 2014, on "Recent Decisions Impacting the Environment and Environmental Regulation". June 2, 2014
E. Fredrick Preis, Jr. presented "Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government – Supervisor Training – Complying with the New Federal Wage & Hour Laws" on May 22, 2014 in Houma, Louisiana. May 22, 2014
E. Fredrick Preis, Jr. spoke at the 2014 Annual Conference for Leading Age Gulf States in New Orleans on the topic of Complying with the Federal Wage & Hour Laws. May 20, 2014
E. Fredrick Preis, Jr., Joe Hugg, Eve Masinter and Rachael Jeanfreau spoke at the "Management Update Briefing" at the New Orleans' offices of Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. on May 15, 2014. May 15, 2014
Jude C. Bursavich spoke on Non-Compete agreements to the Northeast Chapter of the LCPA on May 14. May 14, 2014
E. Fredrick Preis, Jr. presented "Gibsland Bank Supervisor Training – Complying with the Bank’s Affirmative Action Obligations" on May 13, 2014 in Gibsland, Louisiana. May 13, 2014
E. Fredrick Preis, Jr. spoke on "Significant 2014 Personnel and Legal Issues Affecting Hotels" at the GNO Hotel and Lodging Association General Membership Meeting Update. May 2, 2014
Clay J. Countryman presented at the Louisiana Medical Group Management Association Seminar on April 23-24. April 23, 2014
Murphy J. Foster, III, Melissa M. Shirley, and Jerry "Jay" L. Stovall, Jr. spoke at Management Update on April 9, 2014. April 9, 2014
E. Fredrick Preis, Jr. spoke on "The NLRB Targets Non-Union Employers – How to Reduce Your Exposure" at the Annual Louisiana State SHRM Conference in April 2014 at the Baton Rouge River Center. April 8, 2014